Friday, December 9, 2016

What I learned in Biology Today. 12/9/16
Today I took the exam, and I got at 47/60 which is a 78 percent. This for me is not that great considering the time I studied for it. I made a lot of mistakes on things like the stroma and thylakoids. For at least 5 of the questions I got wrong were due to me overthinking and me getting it right the first time, but changing it the second time when I went to check it. I learned a lot about the chloroplasts and about NADP+. What I learned the most in my opinion would be to not overthink it and trust myself so I don't loose easy points.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Steven Nakamura

In class today, we created a vacuum and took out oxygen from small circles in leaves. We put baking soda in the water to give the plant carbon dioxide, and soap to make it more thick. After, we took out all of the oxygen using a syringe and clogging the top part. We then put the leaves outside in the new liquid containing the soap and baking soda and saw how long it took for them to rise. In about 18 minutes, we had 11/20 rise. In our next experiment, we will test things like temperature, light color and intensity, and new factors to determine what helps the plant the least and most.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Steven Nakamura

In this lab, we tested what color would make spinach, lettuce, and radishes grow the tallest. We hypothesized that green would be the best color but it was really blue. Blue and red were the best colors and green was the worst by far. Orange and violet were average. Spinach was the plant that grew the most out of the other 2.