Saturday, March 25, 2017

In class, my group and I created a geological timeline to show when big events happened such as fossils being found, humans living, dinosaurs being extinct, etc. I realized that humans have barely been on this planet, in comparison to things such as plants and animals first appearing. For the first around 2 billion years on Earth, not much happened. Lots of important events relating to humans, happened around the Cenozoic, events to dinosaurs happened around the Mesozoic era, and first forming animals and plants important happened around the Paleozoic era. As shown in the timeline, evolution must have happened because over the billions of years Earth has been around plants and animals have clearly changed over time, which supports the theory of evolution. In the early years, organisms were first forming and over time changed and adapted.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Today and yesterday I decoded DNA to RNA and the used the RNA code to find the amino acid it corresponds to. It was like a puzzle to find which amino acid to relates to. It was pretty fun finding out which letters are amino acids and I can see now how easy it is to have a mutation.