Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Think Critically
1. a; 651.3
b; 486.3
c; 434.2
d; 410.3 all in nano-meters

2. Yes, most of them are the same, but around .1 off. My rounding may have been different from the universal type of rounding.

3.  a; 3.05(10^-19)
b; 4.09(10^-19)
c; 4.58(10^-19)
d' 4.84(10^-19)

4. wavelength 2.28(10^-6)
Energy= 1.99(10^-25)

In this activity, I used the Rydberg constant to find the wavelengths or certain electrons. I put the work to my answers on the bottom. The Rydberg equation is like Planck's constant to find the wavelength of spectral lines. This describes the relation between wavelengths in spectral lines and alkali metals. The Balmer series represents colors, for exaple, 3-2 is red, 4-2 is aqua, 5-2 is blue, and 6-2 is violet, everything else is an ultraviolet color.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

 1. Copper
2. Iron
3. Sodium
4. Potassium
5. Strontium
6. Calcium

certain elements like lithium or sodium are harder to control their electrons because there are so many electrons on the outside. 
elements like fluorine or bromine are easier to maintain the electrons because there are less on the outside. 
The electrons on the outside want to follow the Octet Rule and gain 8 electrons like Neon or Helium. That’s why certain elements will give up elements, and others will take elements.

The different colors of the flames are a result of energy. Their atomic emission spectra affect the frequencies of the light, the flame color depends on the chemical additives. Certain flames are a combination of colors because the element has not been fulled burned off yet. As the electrons return to lower levels, they emit colors characterized by a color spectrum

Analysis Questions
1. Suggest a reason why each compound produced a flame of a different color, even though they each contain chlorine.
Even though they all have chlorine, the chemical makeup of each element is different. For example, certain elements like iron will have more electrons than others. 
After the flame, the electrons would drop a level. The color depends on the difference in the two energy levels
2. Explain how an element's flame test might be related to its atomic emission spectrum. 
The color of the element is the combination of all the colors of light produced by the element.  The colros are a result of the visible spectrum. 
The color results from the return to lower levels after the flame, causing the amount of electrons which causes the different color of flame. 
3. Infer the identity of the unknown crystals. Explain your reasoning. 
The table on the left shows what we thought each element was. We decided each of these by the color of the flame, and we decided some were the same element because of the color of the flame was the same, and the material that was burned looked, smelled, and weighed the exact same.